Let’s skip the gym and do happy hour

It can be easy to become obsessed with working out every day. You may feel guilty about missing a day, thinking that it will kill your progress. But that’s just not true. Your body needs rest for muscle repair and to prevent fatigue and injury.

Have you ever been doing a workout and felt like it was harder than usual? Maybe you were extremely sluggish and just didn’t have the energy to do your best. That’s your body telling you to take a break. No one knows your body better than you do, but you have to listen to it.

In general, I try to work out 5 days a week, varying the types of exercises that I do. It takes a conscious effort to do nothing, as I truly enjoy exercise, but I know that my body craves the rest. If you’re feeling the urge to do something physical, take a light stroll or do some restorative yoga.

On your rest days, make sure to stay hydrated and continue eating a balanced diet. There’s no need to restrict yourself on food just because you’re not burning a ton of calories that day. Remember that if you’re lifting weights, your muscles are still working even after your workout is done.

So next time your friend calls and asks you to skip the gym and hit up happy hour, enjoy that $3 sangria, girl. Tomorrow’s a new day!


Why you need strength training


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