Reminder: social media isn’t reality

This is a friendly reminder that social media isn’t reality.

We’ve all been there. Looking at another woman’s Instagram feed, wondering “why can’t I look like her?” But what do we really know about her? We don’t know her struggles, her insecurities, her lift. Influencers are masters at posing, finding the best lighting and angle to highlight their best features. They’re great at hiding their “flaws,” often making us think that our normal bodies are shameful.

I’ve found it helpful to stop following accounts that make me feel bad about myself. Instead, I’m choosing to follow people who are on the same journey to self love that I am. I follow body positive accounts that remind me that my body is beautiful and worthy of love.

I’m also making the effort to step out of comfort zone and post more “unflattering” photos of myself to remind you that normal bodies are just that…normal! If you’re a mom like me, remember that your body grew and gave life. Be proud of all that is has done. It’s incredible.


Let’s skip the gym and do happy hour