My 30s glow-up

Your 30s are better than your 20s. There, I said it!

So far I’m really enjoying my 30s. Mainly because I finally know who I am and I’m fully embracing it! I spent most of my 20s (and teen years) feeling insecure and uncomfortable — both inside and out.

But ever since I entered my 30s, I’ve noticed a big change. Sure, I still struggle with insecurities, but overall, I’m happy being me. I care less and less about what people think, wear what I want and choose to surround myself with the people who bring me joy. It’s freeing. And when you feel that way on the inside, it shows on the outside.

There are so many things I wish I could go back and tell my 20-something self. But she had to learn and grow to get here today. If you’re in that boat right now, struggling with confidence and loving your body, I promise you this: it gets better.

You have to do some work and dig into the root of your insecurities. You may need to remove some toxic forces in your life. It won’t always be an easy journey, but I hope that you can find a place of peace. I’m cheering you on!


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