5 tips for staying on track during the holidays

Don’t let the next 2 months stop your progress! I’m not a “no days off” type of fitness instructor, so I’ll never tell you to restrict food or double up on workouts. But I will say you can absolutely stay active during the holiday season, while still enjoying the festivities.

Here are 5 tips to help you stay on track through the end of the year:

  1. Make a plan. Come up with a realistic schedule for your physical activity and stick to it. If you set out to exercise 7 days a week, you will likely get discouraged when you can’t make that happen. If all you can commit to is movement for 30 minutes 3-4x a week, that’s great! 

  2. Try something new. With extended time off of work, you might have the chance to pop into a new class at the gym or try out some virtual classes. Who knows…you might totally fall in love with a new style of exercise. Lots of cities will have Turkey Trots or holiday-themed 5k events, which can be a fun way to get outdoors and shake up your routine.

  3. Be flexible. Expect the unexpected and be ok with your plans changing. If you’re traveling, it may be hard to stick to your normal routine. Pack some light-weight equipment (like a yoga mat and resistance bands) and utilize plyometric and body-weight style workouts. These are still very effective and easy for on-the-go. 

  4. Get the fam involved. You don’t have to do an extreme HIIT class to hit your daily movement goal. Take the family out for a walk after dinner or do a little outdoor stretch. Just because it’s not an intense, sweaty workout doesn’t mean it’s not effective.

  5. Stay off the scale. It’s normal to put on a few pounds over the holiday season. And this time of year can trigger a lot of people who struggle with body image issues and eating disorders. Put the scale away and don’t let that number control you. Keep moving and enjoy this season! 


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